Sandy, UT (September 6, 2013) – Whether you dream of Grand Prix dressage success or hope for a harmonious afternoon ride with your horse, Walter Zettl has advice for you. Every ride is a training session and Walter Zettl’s new book, Ask Walter, expresses many of the common training mistakes and pitfalls in our modern training methods. Ask Walter is the ultimate reference book for riders, a must for any dressage library. This handbook for the dressage rider is now available through Premier Equestrian, a leading American manufacturer and distributor of equestrian products.
“Walter Zettl is a true master of the classical art and the modern sport of dressage,” said Heidi Zorn, president of Premier Equestrian. “We at Premier are proud to offer Ask Walter to our customers, along with other educational equestrian videos and books.”
Among the world’s most quoted horsemen, Zettl has designed Ask Walter to be a comprehensive and concise volume that speaks to every level of rider. Zettl focuses on the basics and explains that they are the true foundation for the Grand Prix movements.
In Ask Walter, Zettl offers readers over 300 riding terms with in-depth definitions as well as training tips that can solve even the most complicated training problems. He addresses specific exercises that will ‘fill in the holes’ in the training process and help bring out correct movements from your horse.
“One should only ask as much from a horse as is exhibited in turnout or play when they are showing off like a ‘great stallion’,” Zettl said. “These movements are natural and the horse enjoys doing them. Movements in horseplay are exercises in our tests. For me, this is classical dressage.”
Zettl, a German native now residing and training in Canada, has achieved incredible success in his career. He is a highly accomplished rider, trainer and author. In 1998, he released Dressage in Harmony and then again in 2007, he published The Circle of Trust. Zettl has been honored with the German Federation Gold Riding Medalist, acted as the Olympic Three-Day coach, and boasts a Toronto CADORA Hall of Fame achievement.
Ask Walter is offered for sale at Premier Equestrian online (www.PremierEquestrian.com). The book was published by Premier Equestrian’s sister company, Dancing Deer, LLC.
Considered America’s leading manufacturer and distributor of equestrian arenas and footing surfaces, Premier Equestrian also offers a complete range of high quality equine products such as barn accessories, books, DVD’s, and more. Please contact Premier Equestrian for more information at www.PremierEquestrian.com or (800) 611-6109. For more information on Dancing Deer Productions LLC, call (801) 446-1857.
Photo: Classical dressage master Walter Zettl’s newest book, Ask Walter, is now available through Premier Equestrian. (Photo courtesy of Premier Equestrian)