Sandy, UT (January 7, 2011) – Premier Equestrian, LLC, a leading supplier of dressage arenas, horse jumps, and stable accessories, is pleased to congratulate classical dressage master Walter Zettl on his induction into the Toronto CADORA Dressage Association Hall of Fame. Zettl has been a long-time advisor to Premier Equestrian and is also the technical advisor for Dressage Today Magazine.
“Walter is one of the true classical dressage masters left on the planet and we are so happy that he was recognized for being a contributor to the evolution of the sport of dressage,” said Heidi Zorn, President of Premier Equestrian. “Walter has lived in Canada since 1981 and has had a big impact on the Canadian dressage community. He has also had a big impact on our company and has advised and directed Premier on our products over the years.”
Zettl, who is now in his 80’s, has spent years on the forefront of the dressage world, from coaching Olympic riders to teaching, training, offering clinics, writing books and producing DVDs. “It wasn’t a surprise to his family, friends or students when he was inducted into the Toronto CADORA Dressage Association Hall of Fame,” Zorn said. “Zettl’s ‘Matter of Trust’ DVD series was produced by Dancing Deer Productions and distributed by Premier. The DVD covers classical dressage techniques from Training level to Grand Prix, and we were very pleased to have been part of it. Getting to know Walter, and understand his true passion for dressage and horses, has been a real blessing.”
Zettl lives in St. Catharines, Ontario, near Niagara Falls, and said he was thrilled to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. “My family and I went to Toronto to accept the award and many of my students came from far away to be with us,” Zettl said. “During my induction many of my former students spoke and one of them said that they ‘learned to ride better and be better people’ because of me. That was very touching.”
In addition to his DVD series, Zettl is well known for writing the book Dressage In Harmony. “That book is still a bestseller with my publisher, Half Halt Press,” Walter said. ” I am now on my third book which is currently being translated into English.” While the dressage world has benefited from Zettl’s commitment to teaching riders how to create a harmonious partnership between horse and rider, it isn’t just the dressage world that studies under Zettl. “About four years ago I started working with Linda and Pat Parelli,” Zettl said, referring to the world famous husband and wife team who developed the Parelli method of Natural Horsemanship. “I have much love for horses and riders, and it doesn’t matter what discipline. I still teach the Parellis every other month and they can do everything that my dressage riders can do, even some in a western saddle.”
Zettl added that he and Pat Parelli have the same approach to horsemanship – being kind and gentle with the horses. “Pat has built a great relationship on the ground with his horses and he is so kind. It’s a pleasure to work with the Parelli’s because they are very dedicated and they always get better,” he said.
Helping riders get better and achieve their dreams has been a long-running theme of Zettl’s life. “Walter teaches you skills that last a lifetime,” said Canadian dressage trainer Eddo Hoekstra, who wrote Walter’s nomination letter for the Hall of Fame. “Walter teaches you how to take your horse to a place where you both feel great. If through his training approach you as a rider can feel like that, you can be sure your horse can feel like that too! That is real team effort, a real partnership, true harmony. That is Walter’s art of training by the proper classical riding principles.”
Hoekstra added, “Walter treats horse and rider with respect during and outside training sessions and wants everyone to learn how to make a difference in the relationship with our horses through the correct training approach. He also wants everyone to have a better understanding of what true classical dressage can do for all equestrian disciplines, regardless if you are riding English or Western. He is always willing to help anyone with any horse at any level and keeps things simple for both so that everything seems doable. He makes learning fun!”
For more information on Zettl, visit his website at www.walterzettl.wpengine.com. For more information on all Premier Equestrian products, including footing, dressage arenas, jumps and stable accessories, visit their website at www.PremierEquestrian.com or call 800-611-6109
Photo: Premier Equestrian, LLC, a leading supplier of dressage arenas, horse jumps, and stable accessories, is pleased to congratulate classical dressage master Walter Zettl on his induction into the Toronto CADORA Dressage Association Hall of Fame. Zettl has been a long-time advisor to Premier Equestrian. (Photo courtesy of Walter Zettl, photo credit Christine Derksen)